Let's talk about self-love—and no, not just the kind where you splurge on a fancy latte and call it a wellness moment—real, deep, thank-you-body-for-carrying-me-through-life self-love. Truly loving your body for being amazing EVERY DAY!
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The Self-Love Ritual You Didn’t Know You Needed
If you’ve ever stood in front of the mirror, poked at your stomach, and thought, why is that there?, you’re not alone. We’re often our own worst critics. But here’s the challenge: what if, instead of nitpicking, we started thanking our bodies? Like, actually appreciating all the things they do for us every single day.
So, next time you’re applying your self-tanner (or even just lotion after a shower), try this:
Feet & Legs: Thank you for getting me where I need to go, for letting me dance in the kitchen, for standing strong every day.
Stomach: Thank you for being my core, for digesting all the snacks I pretend are healthy, for supporting me even when I slouch too much.
Arms & Hands: Thank you for letting me hug people I love, for scrolling social media at impressive speeds, for allowing me to hold my favorite coffee cup.
Face & Eyes: Thank you for showing the world my emotions, for helping me see beauty, for putting up with my overuse of concealer.
Sounds a little woo-woo? Maybe. But it works. Studies on positive affirmations and self-compassion show that shifting the way we talk to ourselves can reduce stress and improve body image. If you’ve ever seen what happens when you talk nicely to plants (or babies), imagine what happens when you start talking nicely to yourself.
Food for thought
Listen, if you wouldn’t say something to your best friend, why are you saying it to yourself? This February, let’s reset. Let’s shift from self-care to self-love. Let’s stop picking ourselves apart and start appreciating the incredible, strong, beautiful bodies we live in.